I think it’s safe to say there are no more virgins in the room — I-Team virgins, that is. Everyone here has been deflowered.
Thanks to all of you who participated in the I-Team Reading Challenge. As a result, I met a lot of really wonderful readers, and some of you met Reece, Julian, Marc, and Gabe for the first time. Others had a chance to review the books and remember your favorite parts of the stories... All in time to be fresh on all things I-Team before Zach’s book hits the shelves less than two weeks from now.
Yes, we are in a final countdown here with 12 days to go. And although I haven’t been able to do all the things to celebrate that I wanted to do, we’ve still had some fun.
The photo at the top was taken by Kristin of her study arrangement when she sat down to take on the I-Team Trivia. She did very well, by the way. I just love it! She’s got the books, the e-books, caffeine, and her laptop. She is ready to go. I asked her for the photo and meant to share it when I announced the answers. #BrainFail.
But now, without further ado, let’s announce the winners of the I-Team Reaching Challenge. (Drum roll, please.)
Please send me your mailing addresses as soon as you can, and I will get Zach, er Breaking Point, in the mail to you this week!
I-Team Trivia winners and those of you who donated to International Midwife Assistance should either already have received or are about to receive your books. International addresses (Maldivian Book Reviewer, I’m thinking especially of you) take longer, of course.
Some are already reading Breaking Point and may stop in to share their thoughts at some point. I’ve been getting some feedback on Facebook and via e-mail. I think Crystal is now on Team Zach...
Thank you to everyone who participated! And stay tuned for an interview with Reece, Julian, Marc, Gabe... and possibly Zach.
Plus, I’m still hoping to interview the U.S. Marshal who acted as a source for research for this book. You all will love her. Yes, her. I adored her so much, I gave her a walk-on in the story.
And my deepest and most heartfelt thanks to all of you who are working so hard to get the word out about the I-Team series and Breaking Point. I adore you!
It’s the biggest edition of the year for us at the paper, so things are crazy busy. On top of that, the paper is putting on a reception to celebrate my Keeper of the Flame award. And I finished the back cover copy for Defiant, Connor’s book, but am behind on the book itself. So if you don’t see me online a lot, those are the reasons why.