Breaking Point has been out for almost a week now, and thanks to you it’s doing very well. I’m not sure if the momentum has been enough to put it on the lists, but I do know it’s been well received by the people who count — and that’s you!
For me, the highlights of this week include:
Reading all of your passionate, emotional emails, tweets, Goodreads updates, reviews and comments sharing your feelings about the book. Writers write in isolation. A book I finished last November is only now reaching its audience. Finally getting to share it with you is so wonderful.
Seeing the numbers on Amazon rise higher than they’ve ever been before. Though I can’t monitor it around the clock, I did see at one point that the book hit #1,005 for books, #60-something for romantic suspense, #180-something for Kindle books and #30 for Kindle Romance. That’s just Amazon.

Getting photos from you all whenever you saw a display with the books. SueZ sent one from Borders. Maureen sent one from her Borders store. Doreen sent one of her copy of the book together with the Mexican food fiesta she’d set up for herself to enjoy while reading the story.

Being interviewed by the Washington Post because my book, which just happened to come out two days after SEAL Team Six sent Osama off to the underworld, has a former Navy SEAL as a hero. Click here to read the article.
Getting a B from Dear Author and seeing Breaking Point as a Recommended Read on that site.
I could tell every time one of you reached a certain, specific place in the story, because you posted either, “Oh, my God!” or “Oh, no, she didn’t!” I had expected angry emails. I’m guessing you all were too caught up in that particular moment to bother emailing me, however. A quick tweet and you had to see what happened next.
I’m having to shift gears to make headway on Connor’s story, but I thought we could devote today (and maybe tomorrow — I’m slammed for time, so MTM might not happen) sharing favorite quotes from the story. Scenes are too spoiler-y, but quotes — note quite as much.
Still, if you haven’t read the book, beware! There may be spoilers here.
So what were your favorite quotes in the story. List as many as you’d like.
And thanks for making this past week so special!