Last week in the midst of getting ready for my own book release, I managed to snag an interview with Charlaine Harris, the author who brought us the Sookie Stackhouse series, which is the basis for HBO’s True Blood.
I say I “snagged” an interview, but that’s really baloney. Truth is, Penguin, which publishes my books as well as hers, sent the journalist version of me a press release announcing her book tour, which includes a stop in Denver. I found it so funny that I’d gotten a press release from them that I called her publicist — who sits across the hall from my publicist. Not a lot of work went into getting the interview, and my editor and others at Berkley spent the day giggling over how small a world it is.
I will admit that I was nervous about doing the interview. Interviewing someone who’s a colleague is always different from interviewing anyone else, whether that colleague is a fellow journalist or a writer. But the interview went well, and I was very impressed with Charlaine as a person. All the integrity we see in Sookie’s character comes from Charlaine’s own personality — that’s my assessment, at any rate.

As part of the interview, I arranged to do a book giveaway for Dead Reckoning. So here’s how to win:
Comment on this blog post. The winner gets a copy of Dead Reckoning from the publisher and a signed copy of Breaking Point from me. Double trouble, right?
Click through to read the interview and comment on the thread at the end. The paper will choose one winner from that thread to receive a copy of Dead Reckoning from the publisher.
So that’s two chances to win Dead Reckoning and another chance to win a signed copy of Breaking Point.
That’s this week’s Friday fun.
More Breaking Point action ahead both here on this blog, on Facebook and across the Interwebs. Here are some upcoming events:
May 10: I’ll be at Lady Jane’s Salon.
May 12: Writerspace.com’s Berkley/Jove author chat. Go to Writerspace.com, click through to the chatrooms and sign in. Couldn’t be easier. Starts at 9 p.m. EST.
May 17: Canned Laughter & Coffee Blog Radio Talk. I'll be doing an interview there that evening at 7:15. Not sure about the time zone on that...
May 28: Book signing at the Barnes & Noble at 92nd & Sheridan. The time is TBA. This is likely the only signing I’ll be doing for Breaking Point apart from the big author signing at RomCon in August. Ashley March and Lizzie T. Leaf will also be signing.
Extras & Fun stuff: How can you get a signed bookplate for your copy of Breaking Point? It’s easy! Send an SASE to me at PO Box 1582, Longmont, CO 80502. I’ll get your bookplate in the mail.
On the horizon: highlights from reader reviews and letters, an interview with the I-Team heroes, including Zach, and maybe we’ll even get to that “Match the I-Team Quote to the Character” contest.
Got my first harvest of arugula and spinach from the garden last night. YUM! And now I need to write! Because you want more books, right?