Oh, Pamela, how can I ever thank you enough for letting me guest on Man Titty Monday? I so very much adore, not just the MTM, but also all the beautiful man titty you always dredge up from only goodness knows where. Today, I have brought along my own set of chesticles.
Well not mine, per se, but those belonging to my muse Mr. Derek Hutchins. He was the star of my illustrated romance novel, The Rake and the Recluse, and I have spent many — many hours in a studio just staring at this guy. I have such a difficult job. It pains me really. Okay, I give, I am the luckiest girl in the world, but that makes you all the second luckiest because the thing I love to do the most (besides shoot Derek) is share. Just follow me on twitter, and you’ll see how much I love to share.
So let’s get busy.
I brought a mix of historical and modern chesticals, because my novel is a time travel set in Victorian England and Derek plays Gideon Alrick Trumbull, Duke of Roxleigh. But here in the real world Mr. Muse is a fully tattooed hottie.
The image at top is, obviously, Derek as Derek. Those tats on his trapezii are the symbol for om. I could sit and meditate to this view for awhile, couldn’t you? This guy is about as far from a 19th-century duke as it gets.
I like to call this one the Wolverine. Now don’t get me wrong Mr. Hugh Jackman is a damn beautiful man in his own right, no argument there, but the veins on Derek’s disembodied torso are SICK awesome. Seriously. Those muscles are not just for show, they are for taking and grabbing and squeezing and…oh my.

Yeah, this is my favorite image from the book. Because he looks like he is either a breath away from killing me or…well…see when shooting the love, anger happens to look a whole lot like the passion.
So you like them wet? So do I. Wet and nekked. What? Dukes go swimming. Seriously.
How about some painted man titties? Who wouldn’t love to be that paintbrush? This is actually Ross, my other favorite man candy…er, uh, professional model. He now lives in Korea, teaching English to children, hot and smart. Did I mention he also plays piano? Yes, talented digits. SIGH.
Can’t leave you without him wet. Well, I could…but I’m not like that.
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Thank you, Jenn, for sharing your area of expertise. I think the idea of an illustrated romance novel is right up there with my idea for a “touch the man-titty” app. I think incorporating erotic photos could raise romance to a new level of hawt.
Please don't forget that I have offered to carry your camera bag and wield the spray bottle the next time you do a shoot. Help a fellow journalist out, will you? YUM! I know my Monday has gotten off to a fantastic start!