Hawt summer reading

Thanks so much to Jenn LeBlanc for sharing her amazing photos of Denver hotties with us yesterday for Man-Titty Monday. It takes a certain courage and craziness to walk up to hot men in gyms and ask them if they’d like to pose naked for you. It makes me wish I’d learned to take decent photographs!
If you want to check out Jenn’s illustrated romance, click here to visit her website. The idea of having photos from love scenes... Well, it has a certain appeal.
So what’s on your summer reading list?
Mine includes:
The rest of Christy Reece’s wonderful CHANCE books. I read the first one and then got derailed by surgery and trying to finish Breaking Point.
Marie Force’s FATAL series and Gansett Island trilogy. The first, Maid for Love, came out in April. The second, Fool for Love, came out this weekend and is is live at Amazon, B&N, and Smashwords if any of you want to give her a try.
Anna Campbell’s new historical Midnight's Wild Passion. She sent me a signed book from Australia, and I just love the cover. The colors are so lovely.
Julie James’ first two books — Just the Sexiest Man Alive and Practice Makes Perfect. (I loved Something About You and A Lot Like Love).
Can you tell I haven’t had time to read apart from research lately?
Also, Elisabeth Naughton has a book coming out today that sounds right up my alley. It’s actually an anthology titled succinctly Bodyguards in Bed and featuring novellas from Lucy Monroe and Jamie Denton, as well as Elisabeth Naughton.
Here’s the blurb from the back:
There’s just one cardinal rule when it comes to being a bodyguard: no matter how tempting it may be, never, ever get romantically involved with the person you’re supposed to be protecting. But as these sensual novellas prove, even the most important rules are made to be broken–again and again and again. Join acclaimed authors Lucy Monroe, Jamie Denton, and Elisabeth Naughton as they open the files on an undercover operative who finds a sexy surprise under his covers, a hot case involving mixed messages and mistaken identities, and a mission impossible protecting a provocative beauty who lives to love dangerously.
but someone’s gotta do it.
Here’s the blurb from "Acapulco Heat"
Sun, sand, skin and plenty of sex. That’s the name of the game in beautiful Acapulco.
Bodyguard Finn Tiernay’s new gig in the sultry city is nothing short of perfect. Too bad he can’t stand it. Hired to protect supermodel Lauren Kauffman during her very public, very sexy cosmetic shoot on the beach, Finn’s itching for a serious assignment and the chance to get away from the hot bod who’s set her sights set on him. Their mutual attraction has been brewing for some time, but he’s got no use for the super wealthy, isn’t about to become another diva’s boy toy. His no-fun-at-work motto might get him booted out of her bed, but when danger strikes, she won’t be able to shake him. And when he discovers things aren’t what they seem and that she’s more than a pretty face and smokin’ body, all bets are off. Lauren Kauffman’s about to take Finn for a ride he never saw coming. And there’s no telling who will survive.
Naughton totally had me at “Sand, sun and plenty of sex.” Sounds good to me!
The anthology got good a review from Publishers Weekly, so I think this will be my lazy-day read. Click here to read an excerpt.
So what releases are you looking forward to this summer?
MTM — Author Jenn LeBlanc brings her own chesticles

Oh, Pamela, how can I ever thank you enough for letting me guest on Man Titty Monday? I so very much adore, not just the MTM, but also all the beautiful man titty you always dredge up from only goodness knows where. Today, I have brought along my own set of chesticles.
Well not mine, per se, but those belonging to my muse Mr. Derek Hutchins. He was the star of my illustrated romance novel, The Rake and the Recluse, and I have spent many — many hours in a studio just staring at this guy. I have such a difficult job. It pains me really. Okay, I give, I am the luckiest girl in the world, but that makes you all the second luckiest because the thing I love to do the most (besides shoot Derek) is share. Just follow me on twitter, and you’ll see how much I love to share.
So let’s get busy.
I brought a mix of historical and modern chesticals, because my novel is a time travel set in Victorian England and Derek plays Gideon Alrick Trumbull, Duke of Roxleigh. But here in the real world Mr. Muse is a fully tattooed hottie.
The image at top is, obviously, Derek as Derek. Those tats on his trapezii are the symbol for om. I could sit and meditate to this view for awhile, couldn’t you? This guy is about as far from a 19th-century duke as it gets.
I like to call this one the Wolverine. Now don’t get me wrong Mr. Hugh Jackman is a damn beautiful man in his own right, no argument there, but the veins on Derek’s disembodied torso are SICK awesome. Seriously. Those muscles are not just for show, they are for taking and grabbing and squeezing and…oh my.

Yeah, this is my favorite image from the book. Because he looks like he is either a breath away from killing me or…well…see when shooting the love, anger happens to look a whole lot like the passion.
So you like them wet? So do I. Wet and nekked. What? Dukes go swimming. Seriously.
How about some painted man titties? Who wouldn’t love to be that paintbrush? This is actually Ross, my other favorite man candy…er, uh, professional model. He now lives in Korea, teaching English to children, hot and smart. Did I mention he also plays piano? Yes, talented digits. SIGH.
Can’t leave you without him wet. Well, I could…but I’m not like that.
* * *
Thank you, Jenn, for sharing your area of expertise. I think the idea of an illustrated romance novel is right up there with my idea for a “touch the man-titty” app. I think incorporating erotic photos could raise romance to a new level of hawt.
Please don't forget that I have offered to carry your camera bag and wield the spray bottle the next time you do a shoot. Help a fellow journalist out, will you? YUM! I know my Monday has gotten off to a fantastic start!
I-Team Heroes Poll
We’re down to the last 24 hours of my latest poll, and I have no trouble predicting that Marc Hunter will be the big winner.
I am really surprised. I’ve been saying that all week. No matter how many votes came in, the spread remained basically the same. I really expected Julian or Zach to lead, followed by Marc, then Gabe, then Reece.
I knew that Reece, lacking the über-alpha law enforcement personality, would come in behind the others. That's okay. He’s very secure in his manhood and understands. But I truly thought that Darcangelo — aka Dark Angel, aka Dorkangelo, aka Dickangelo — would come in first. He seems to get so much attention.
I talked with some of you about this on Marie Force’s blog — the inner war of an author over which of her characters she hopes is most popular. Here’s how it goes.
“I hope they vote for Zach! If they do, it means they loved his story and that I wrote him well. Yes, I hope they vote for Zach! The book has been really popular, so they must all love him. Maybe my agent is right that my writing is getting better.
“Except that... if they vote for Zach, does that mean all the other heroes are crap and that those books stunk? Maybe the book were awful and no one could really bring herself to tell me that. Oh, God, they can’t all vote for Zach! Did they love none of the others? Did Marc’s sacrifice and Gabe’s great loss mean nothing to them? What about the sucky-swirly thing?
“But what if they don’t vote for Zach? OMG! That will mean Breaking Point was meh and he was the Navy SEAL girly-man of romance novels. It means I’ll have written the only un-sexy Navy SEAL in U.S. history!”
And so it goes.
I’ve actually talked about this with people at work. Yes, they know the poll is going on. Most of them haven’t read the books — no reason they should — and don’t know Dickangelo from a hole in the ground. But they sure know what I think...
So here’s one theory for Marc’s success:
The poignancy of Unlawful Contact was built strongly upon the very real concept that Sophie and Marc had no future. Their time together was limited. The story could only end in one of two ways — either Marc dies in a hail of bullets or he’s locked away in prison. That heightened both the suspense and the sexual tension and gave each and every scene a sense of desperation. The fact that Marc is willing to hold a gun to Sophie’s head and the swagger with which he goes on the run makes him a bad boy — not a pretend bad boy who seems menacing but is just a fuzzy kitty cat. He actually does some bad stuff. But he does it for reasons we understand.
That’s my theory.
Julian is... well, he’s Julian, and it doesn’t surprise me at all that he comes in No. 2. Perhaps the gap between him and Marc is wider than I imagined, but he is indisputably No. 2.
And Zach... Well, he’s No. 3 with Gabe not far behind him at No. 4.
And Reece is exactly where I knew he’d be.
So the silly part of this poll is that very few of you wanted to vote for one hero. I got lots of messages about the unfairness of having to choose one. Sorry, but that’s how this one went. And it was revealing.
Someone asked me if this will influence my future I-Team stories. Knowing what I know, will this impact the kind of heroes I write?
Yes, and then again no.
I can’t write a series of novels about guys who break out of prison or who are convicts on the run. That would get old fast, and I don’t like repeating myself. Plus, after five or so escapes, our entire prison system would be overhauled.
BUT I do know you love the I-Team heroes. Even if Marc is in the lead, every one of them got some love and some campaign support. No one took off his pants to find himself alone.
I wrote Marc when I was pining for Julian. I had such a hard time putting Julian behind me. All I could think was, “I'll never be able to top Julian. Ever.” So I decided I would have to forget the idea of writing a hero who was somehow BETTER than Julian and instead focus on telling a story that was special in its own way. Its hero and heroine would be unique, too. And that way, maybe, I could write a hero equal to Julian.
So that’s what I try to do, and that’s what I’ll keep doing — trying to write characters, both heroes and heroines, you can love for who they are. And I’ll try to stop the monologue in my head.
In the meantime, please enjoy your long weekend. Memorial Day is about real heroes, men and women who gave their lives in service to their country. I hope we all take time amid bike rides and barbecues to remember them — and the loved ones they left behind.

MTM — Post-Rapture Rapture Edition

The end of the world didn’t come, and a good thing, too. That leaves us all more time to pursue earthly pleasures such as those we enjoy here on Man-Titty Monday. Truly, what’s the point of going to heaven anyway if there aren’t hot men?
Before we get started, I want to thank everyone who participated in last Friday’s “After the Epilogue” chat. We had some technical difficulties, which irritated me, especially after I whipped out a credit card to pay for a “premium chatroom.” Still, we had a lot of fun. SueZ and Ronlyn helped with the chat — THANK YOU! — and Ronlyn edited the transcript, so if anyone missed it but wants to read what was said, contact me via Facebook.
We’ve missed a few editions of MTM over the past few weeks, but for a good cause, as that time and space was given to Breaking Point. Speaking of which, there have been some amazing reviews of the story out there, which has prompted my agent to say, “See, told you so!” and mock me for freaking out about the book last summer. Here’s a review that just got posted today.
And now for man chest!
There’s really nothing to say about the man at the top, except that he’s absolutely perfect. He’s so perfect, in fact, someone should bronze him, carve sculptures of him or put him in a museum. I would personally volunteer dust and polish him every day.

Forgive me if this fine gentleman is a repeat. With that smoldering gaze, ripped body and beautiful face, he kind of reminds me of Michelangelo’s David, except that he’s much better endowed. Seriously, have you ever looked at that sculpture? People suggest that Michelangelo was gay, but I just can’t see a gay man giving a guy a dinky winky. Get real!
Poor David! There he is, on exhibit for all eternity, his tiny jewels right out there for everyone to see. I saw the sculpture in person during my European travels and was impressed by the detail and beauty of the work. But what struck me the most was how big David’s hands were — and how tiny his penis was.
If the gentleman above — or any of these below — were rendered in marble, someone would have to carve some serious cock out of that rock.

Because I’m hard at work on Connor’s book, Defiant, and because I’m behind, I’m going to offer an opportunity to all of you to be Man-Titty Consultants. Want to host Man-Titty Monday as a guest blogger here? Just let me know. You bring the beef, supply your own text, and I’ll post it for you. That way I can focus on writing without depriving you of your Monday morning chesticles.
Happening this week:
On Thursday, I’m the guest at Romance & Oreos, Marie Force's book club. The wonderful and talented Ronlyn has been working on what she calls “The Most AWESOME PC Interview EVER!” I must say that she asked some interesting questions. The interview will be posted Thursday, and all of you will have the chance to ask questions, as well. In addition, I will be giving away a signed book of the winner’s choice during the interview.
Coming soon:
That interview with the I-Team heroes I promised you. Now it can include Zach.
The latest word on my side projects, including a SEAL novella and An I-Team Christmas.
So stay tuned!
In the meantime, have a lovely Monday!
Blog Archive
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- I-Team Heroes Poll
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- BREAKING POINT After the Epilogue Spoiler Chat
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