There's just something about a sexy man in a pair of jeans. Combine sexy chest with butter-soft denim, and you can make a woman’s heart melt. Unzip those jeans just a bit, tug them down over narrow hips...
Is it hot in here, or is that me?

What is it about blue jeans? I find them much sexier than a pair of tailored slacks or gym shorts or pretty much anything a man can put over his nether regions, apart from, say, boxer briefs, or, preferably, wet box briefs...

Wow, and now I’m jealous of Kat.

This gentleman appears to need help getting his jeans off. Any volunteers?
Happy MTM, everyone! Hope this got your heart pumping and your hormones flowing.
Today is a happy day for me, for sure, because my younger son comes home from Ithaca, NY, tonight. I’ll be picking him up at the airport and bringing him home where he belongs. If you sense a mother on the brink of publicly hugging the stuffing out of her son, you’re right on.
I finished Chapter 5 of Breaking Point this weekend, and Natalie and Zach are now unchained. That leaves me only three full chapters behind schedule. Uh-oh. This is what always happens! Except that it can’t happen this time. Ah, well.
Enjoy the view!