A few months back, I was introduced to author Christy Reece through some of our mutual readers. She and I interviewed each other for our respective releases in late February and early March and found it funny that our books both featured heroes named Gabe.
I hadn't had time read any of her books, but this is graduation weekend. And I found myself desperately in need of a fiction break. (Let's just say sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain when it comes to the ex. And with family gathered from near and far — including the ex's family — I said some things that escalated, and... You get the picture.)
Needing some R&R, I grabbed Rescue Me, Christy’s debut novel, off my neglected, lonesome TBR... and devoured it.
Romantic suspense novels that involve kick-butt heroine always make me nervous, because, to be honest, I can’t enjoy a heroine who lacks femininity or vulnerability. Female strength to me is different than male strength, and rather leave the violence to the guys. Gender role reversals don’t interest me much.
But Eden/Devon is not that kind of a kick-butt heroine. She’s still very much a woman, not a guy with breasts. At times extremely vulnerable, she tugged at my heart strings. Jordan, the hero, is all the things a hero should be: strong, brave, physically adept (in many ways), sexy, protective.
Reading about the tragedies of their lives and watching them find their way together while they take down a nest of vicious and evil human traffickers — a subject I dealt with in Hard Evidence — was pure romance reading pleasure. And it helped get me through a tough day.
I’ve got her next three books in my TBR, and I’ll read them in order.
I’m extremely proud of my older son, Alec, who graduates tonight from Colorado State University with a double degree. We’re having a BBQ tomorrow. Thank God a bunch of my family will be there. Hopefully it won’t snow.
We’ve had a snow and rain all week. The foothills were covered in white on Thursday. And, yes, it’s mid-May here in Colorado, too.
Now I need to get back to writing. With all the activity this weekend, I’m going to get behind on Zach and Natalie’s story. Poor Zach has been in chains for so long now, and the conditions in which Natalie is being kept — all those scorpions! — horrifies me.
Upcoming: I promised an interview with a true powder hound, and Isaac has agreed. I sent him a bunch of questions earlier today. When he’ll get answers back to me, I can’t say. Over the weekend, he’s mostly likely up in the mountains. But it will be lots of fun, I’m sure because Isaac is lots of fun. So stay tuned!
Have a great weekend, everyone.