It dawns on me as I sit here working on Naked Edge that it's been ages since I've gotten a pedicure. I don't know about the rest of you, but nothing is quite as scrumptious as having silky feet and beautifully painted toenails. I prefer black polish. A bit goth, I know, but I love it.
Life just gets away from you sometimes, and when you should be getting a pedicure you're doing something else. So I thought I'd sit down and write up a "to do" list covering the next couple of weeks to see where I can fit in a trip to the salon.
Today, tomorrow and Sunday: Work on Naked Edge, which is supposed to be in by Oct. 1. (maniacal laugher)
Monday through next Thursday: Write articles for Thursday's special Anniversary Edition, edit articles for next week's Student Guide edition, write articles for next week's Student Guide edition, and prep for the Democratic National Convention.
Friday, Aug. 15, through Sunday, Aug. 17: Help my son pack for college, work on Naked Edge.
Monday, Aug. 18: Put Student Guide magazine insert to bed.
Tuesday, Aug. 19-20: Pack up car and drive son to Ithaca NY, stopping in Iowa to meet Matt of I-Team fame.
Thursday, Aug. 21-Friday, Aug. 22: Help son move into dorm room, drink excessive amounts of coffee while hanging in Ithaca and helping him to get settled.
Saturday, Aug. 23: Cry buckets of tears as I leave my baby in Ithaca and start the two-day drive home, stopping to visit the Pygmies along the way. See Pygmies again. Cry some more. (It's okay. They're used to this.)
Sunday, Aug. 24: Keep driving. Find a way to enjoy Nebraska. (Perhaps think up haikus about corn?) Fall on knees and kiss the ground when the Rocky Mountains come into view again.
Monday, Aug. 25-Wed., Aug. 27: Pick up DNC press credentials in Denver. Make way through 30,000 protesters to the Pepsi Center (above). Spend the day doing live blogging, writing articles for Thursday's paper and manage the rest of my reporting staff. Note to self Remember to take gas mask. Drink excessive coffee to stay awake from early hours to late-night convention hours, compete with a zillion other reporters for a chance to speak to Obama.
Thursday, Aug. 28: Attend convention and then Obama's speech at Mile High Stadium (sorry, I refuse to call it Invesco.) Probably embarrass myself by crying while he gives his speech. Report live via cell phone link to the Boulder Theater every 30 minutes, while continuing to blog live. Note to self: Look into wearing adult diapers so as to avoid wasting time in the bathroom.
Friday: Collapse. GET PEDICURE. Thank God we only have general elections every four years. Get back to writing. Whiskey: It's what's for dinner.
So there. It's all figured out. See? You just have to prioritize and plan if you want to include those little special moments — like, say, going to the bathroom, sleeping or eating a meal.