Hello there fellow Man Titty Monday lovers!
A while back Pamela invited guests to appear on her blog to help her out while she is busy writing more of her tempting romances for us to read, and being a devoted fangirl I answered her call of need and volunteered to share some of my own MTM Muses.
I’m the blogger behind
Seductive Musings, and I love romances (especially Pamela’s)! When I first started my blog I knew I wanted to share the romances that I love and can’t wait to read with like minded virtual friends, but I needed some inspiration...a placed to begin so to speak. I needed a Muse to inspire me to share my thoughts, and since most romances are all about the hero for me, I took that thought literally and began to seek out inspiring and seductive visual Muse representations (it’s grueling work, but hey, someone has to do it, right?) Monday’s Muse was born and has been inspiring me and my followers each week, but you better believe that one of my first online stops every Monday morning is here at Pamela’s blog for Man Titty Monday! Because it’s Monday, and I firmly believe that you need A LOT of inspiration to get up out of bed and start another grueling week. The more Muses the better, I say!
So this week I thought I would share the love of one of my new favorite holidays as inspiration for this week’s Man Titty Monday. What, you didn't realize that there was a national holiday this week? If you didn’t, let me enlighten you. By the end of the post I am sure you will understand, and agree, why Flag Day is a great and Muse worthy holiday. Yes, Flag Day. It’s not just another holiday on your calendar. This one has a special place in my heart (other than being the day before my birthday). I am here to show you why I think the celebration of the representation of our country can be very inspiring :) It's a rallying point for our troops, inspired a our national anthem, and has many other useful purposes, in fact I think I might just declare it a romance lovers holiday (you’ll see why, just trust me and go with it). Here are some flags that I found seductively tempting...
The flag as headgear
You did notice the flag on his head in this OMG, there is a God, Muse? If you didn't notice the first time is it your patriotic duty to look again :)
The flag as towel
Has a flag ever been worn better? Every time I see this Muse I have the same thought...If kilts are to Scots, what the flag towel is to this Muse....does that mean that all his star spangled glory is just one stiff breeze away? One can only wish :)
The flag as bathing suit
Umm, yeah, that’s a teeny tiny flag bathing suit, and the only thing I have to say is that the designer of this piece of patriotic clothing is a genius. GENIUS! From his beautiful man chest, to his drool worthy thighs this particular flag is well represented :)
The flag as the flag
After all it is Flag Day on June 14th (every year) so why not one last but of MTM inspiration where our Muse is the flag pole and proudly displays his assets and all that is great about our Country :) Oh, say can you see...
Happy Man Titty Monday, Happy Flag Day and thank you to Pamela for letting me visit with you today!
(Isn’t Flag Day a great holiday to celebrate?)