Here are the answers:
1. “Have you ever caught a criminal with ink?” — Julian to Tessa in Hard Evidence
2. “The word phobia implies there is something wrong with my reaction to spiders — horrid little monsters!” — Sophie to Marc in Unlawful Contact
3. “Maybe the mayor can hire a consultant for hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach the boys in blue the difference between a gun and a cell phone.” — Tom Trent
4. “If I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead.” — Julian to Tessa in Hard Evidence
5. “Burn a bra if you want, but don't be ridiculous!” — Reece to Kara in Extreme Exposure
6. “I want a man who really loves me, who will stick by me no matter what, even when he gets bored with me and thinks I’m old and ugly.” — Kara to Reece in Extreme Exposure
7. “You're just afraid to let yourself feel because feeling hurts so much.” — Kat to Gabe in Naked Edge
8. “I just love to start the day with a bit of yelling.” — Tessa Novak

9. “Sometimes you say the stupidest things, Holly.” — Matt Harker in Naked Edge
10. “At least if you were plying him for information, get him to spill insider secrets, I could respect it!” — Tom Trent to Kara in Extreme Exposure
11. “I love you with everything I am. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.” — Gabe to Kat in Naked Edge
12. “You should ask Kat whether she found it romantic, because before the rescuing bit came the part where someone nearly killed her—or did you miss that?” — Tessa to Holly in Naked Edge
13. “No one is supposed to be okay after witnessing a murder.” — Kara to Tessa in Hard Evidence
14. “You're a reporter, and that means trying to catch the killers, doesn't it?” — Reece to Tessa in Hard Evidence
15. “I never could’ve done what you did. I probably would have jumped off the cliff myself just so I didn’t have to be afraid of falling.” — Holly to Kat in Naked Edge
16. “I’m sure there are lots of men who’d do or say anything to get inside her, but I’m not one of them. I don’t want her. I want you.” — Gabe speaking about Holly to Kat in Naked Edge
17. “If I thought you’d been a coward, I’d tell you to your face.” — Marc to Joaquin in Breaking Point
18. “Oh, come on, Bradshaw. One beignet won’t make you fat.” — Matt to Holly in Breaking Point
19. “Your wish is our command.” — Chief Irving to Julian in Breaking Point
20. “I’m ashamed to say it, but I tried not to think about what they might be doing to you because I couldn’t stand it.” — Kat to Natalie in Breaking Point
21. “That’s just him being a man. Trust me. He’s crazy about you, even if he doesn’t know it yet.” — Sophie to Kat in Naked Edge
22. “I want to hear more about Mr. Secret Agent Man.” — Holly to Tessa in Hard Evidence

23. “The bastard shot him from the upstairs window when the officer was walking up the to the door. Didn’t even warn him.” — Joaquin during an I-Team meeting
24. “There’s still something between us — something strong. You want me as much as I want you.” — Marc to Sophie in the Jag in Unlawful Contact
25. “Yeah, well, I guess I was in the wrong place at the right time.” — Zach to Kat in Breaking Point
26. “You can’t just look through a reporters files no matter who you are.” — Natalie to Zach in Breaking Point
27. “Sometimes the scar isn’t on the outside. Sometimes it’s on the inside where no one else can see it. Believe me, I know.” — Natalie to Zach in Breaking Point
28. “Clash of the Titans.” — Joaquin in Unlawful Contact
29. “You haven’t exactly caught me at my best.” — Zach to Natalie in Breaking Point
30. “I can’t say how sorry I am to see you here. Not only does it mean bad times for you, it means I’m about to get a call from your asshole boss.” — Chief Irving to Sophie in Unlawful Contact
I put the names of everyone who participated in my online contest randomizer and...
You are the winner! Choose any book I’ve written that you’d like to have — I-Team or historical — and I’ll sign it and get it in the mail to you. Congratulations!!!
Other news:
I’m working hard this weekend to finish editing and revising Surrender. As some of you know, the book is being re-released in December with a new cover and new content. Think of this as the “author’s cut” of Surrender. The plot of the story won’t change, but now that I have no size limit on the book, I’m able to include scenes I wasn’t able to include before. Also, my editor at Penguin has edited it differently then the original editor, so there are subtle differences in the text.
I need to finish this quickly, however, as I need to get back to Connor’s story, which is due soon and which I’m very far behind on. The release of Breaking Point took a lot of time away from writing, and I’m losing two weekends to Surrender, one weekend to out-of-town guests from Denmark and one weekend to a speech I’ve been asked to give in Denver.
As for that speech... I'm very excited that I’ve been asked to be the speaker at SlutWalk Denver. The SlutWalk movement started after a Toronto cop told a group of young women that if they didn’t want to get raped, they shouldn’t dress like sluts — which is more of the same victim blaming we’re all tired of hearing. SlutWalks have been held all over Canada, the United States and Europe, and on July 2, there will be a SlutWalk in Downtown Denver. Already, more than 1,000 women have signed up to march, and I will be delivering the speech wearing a T-shirt that says, “This is what a slut looks like.”
I also wanted to let you know that since Breaking Point was released, the volume of email and Facebook messages, Tweets and Goodreads messages that I’m getting have shot through the roof. It’s not unusual for me to get 2,000 e-mails a day now. I’m doing my best to answer them, but if I haven’t gotten back to you, please know it’s not because I’m ignoring you. If your email was about an event, like a guest blog, please write back to me as a reminder.
So how did everyone do guessing quotes? And how’s the summer going so far?