I just wanted to share the news — and my happiness — with you all.
Tonight at the annual awards ceremony for Colorado chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists’ Top of the Rockies, I was awarded the Keeper of the Flame Lifetime Achievement Award.
It was the last award given out and is the biggest award the state chapter of SPJ gives. I was floored to learn last week that I was receiving this award, as it usually goes to older journalists with long careers who are either deceased or about to retire.
I was so happy to have staff there from both of the papers where I’ve worked. They came just to share the moment with me.
During my speech at the microphone, I asked them to stand up so I could thank them for the support they’ve given me, for example while the whole shackling bill effort was going on.
I was utterly amazed to get a standing ovation from the crowd there. I never imagined I’d be given this award. Never in a million years. And here were my journalism colleagues on their feet and applauding.
My parents and older son, Alec, were there, too. And it was wonderful to have them be there with me. My father video taped my little acceptance speech, and there are some photos. I’ll share them with you when I have them.
I couldn’t come out and say what award I’d gotten — I also received a couple of state journalism awards for articles tonight — until the ceremony was over.
So that’s my big news.
Here’s the video from last night, showing part of the speech. There’s a little missing at the beginning and a chunk in the middle.
Wow, what a night. I have no words.