We’re down to the last 24 hours of the I-Team Reading Challenge. So now I have to ask...
Was it good for you?
I had a lot of fun meeting new readers who’d hadn’t yet read the books — and just as much fun chatting about the books for those of you who were reading the series for the second or third or fourth time. Sixth time?!? Yes, there were a few of those, too.
As an author, of course, I can only feel delighted that someone enjoyed one of my stories enough to read it again and again.
One of the things that I discovered doing the I-Team Trivia was how many of you didn’t know about “Heaven Can’t Wait,” my one and only novella, which happens to be an I-Team story. I’m so happy that more of you discovered it and took time to read the story, because it was terribly fun to write. But some of you had read it, and you included it in your re-read.
Now it’s time for the final roll call.
I know a lot of you already commented and or updated me all along, but things are so completely crazy both at work and with my writing right now that it would make things much easier on me to have you all here in one place.
So IF you completed the I-Team Reading Challenge, please comment below to be eligible for a signed copy of Breaking Point. Feel free to share your feelings about the series, your favorite story moments, your favorite characters. And, yes, definitely tell me what team you’re on — Team Reece, Team Julian, Team Marc, Team Gabe or Team RJMGZ.
Also, please tell me whether this was your first reading of the series or whether this was an I-Team re-read. Virgins and vixens. Which are you? I’ll do a separate drawing for each category.
The deadline to complete the challenge was/is Friday, April 15. I’ll draw names for signed books over the weekend. How many copies I give away will depend on how many readers are in each category.
If you’re reading this on Goodreads, please pop over to my blog at pamelaclare.blogspot.com to comment for your chance to win.
My author copies of the book have arrived, and they are so delicious! I can’t seem to put them down. I think they look better in person than they do in the .jpg. I give the credit to Jed Hill and his amazing body. As I said in a FB post and a tweet, I slept with Jed Hill last night. OK, so it was just the image of him on my book. But still... what a sight to wake up to!
I’ve already ordered a second case of books because so many copies have already been claimed. Those of you who donated to International Midwife Assistance will get yours first. They’re already signed the packaged and are going into tomorrow’s (Thursday's) mail. I-Team Trivia winners are next, along with my home team — those of you who spent long hours with me as I recovered from surgery and did my darned best to finish this book on time.
On a different note, I may have to scale back my crazy plans for this blog a bit. I had hoped to have a month of festivities leading up to the release of Breaking Point, but between trying to heal my neck, trying to get enough sleep, and keeping up with work at the paper and Connor’s book, I just don’t have time. My priorities right now have to be my health and also finishing Connor’s book on time. I hate to think that might cut back on our fun and give Breaking Point less exposure than it deserves. But that’s how it goes.
So what do I have in store for you?
I hope to post an interview with the U.S. Marshal who answered all my questions for this book. I also hope to do an interview with the I-Team heroes. If we can work in a Match the Hero to the Quote, we’ll do that, too. I might toss an excerpt in for good measure.
It’s awards season in the journalism world, and Friday night I’m going to be getting a huge award that I can’t really talk about yet because it hasn’t been announced. But you can bet I’ll fill you in this weekend. One of my co-workers at the paper is having a dinner party to celebrate the award tomorrow (Thursday) night — a pre-party, I guess you could call it. Then Friday night is the awards ceremony in Denver. My parents will be there, together with my older son and the reporting staff of the two papers where I’ve been editor. It’s going to be an incredibly special night for me. I’ll share as much of it with you as I can.
So back to today’s topic: The “Get Out of My TBR, Get Into My Bed” I-Team Reading Challenge.
Sound off below, and don’t hold back!