I’ll admit it — I have a thing for wet men.
That could be because I’m a double water sign — my sun is in Pisces and my rising sign is Cancer. And, yes, I love water even when naked men aren’t involved.
But add a naked man to water — a shower, a pool, a the beach — and, well, you’ve got me. And because today is kind of, sort of not really my birthday — I’m a Leap Day baby — I figured it would be okay to indulge my own appetites.
The man above drew my gaze with that single prominent drop of water that’s trickling down his belly toward paradise. There’s something about the way water slides over a man’s hard muscles, emphasizing how soft a man’s skin can be, even when he’s hard as iron beneath.
Yes, I said HARD.

This young man seems to need to cool off a bit. He’s this week’s offering to the “I don’t like them so muscular” lobby. Lean with a hard body that looks like it comes from playing lots of healthy living, he looks like he’s rinsing he saltwater off his skin after a hard day of fun at the beach.
Anyone want to bring him a nice cold, lemonade or perhaps some southern sweet tea, Natalie’s favorite drink.

This gentleman comes close to taking No. 1 for me this week. Two words: Wet. Obliques. Wet obliques! Wet freaking obliques! Do you follow me?
Once I managed to pry my eyes of the wet obliques, I realized the rest of him was pretty amazing, too. I’d love to scrub his back... Or whatever. Then I could dry him off with a nice fluffy towel or maybe my hair.
Oh. Sorry.

Well, don’t stop on our account, sweetheart.

This fine gentleman got caught in the rain. Naked. Not sure how that happened, but I like the idea and hope to see forecasts in the future that look like this: “An 80 percent chance of showers and naked men for the Denver metro area this afternoon.”
Of course, my eyes are drawn to one particular place. Can you guess? I’m trying to see whether I’m seeing a lack of manscaping in a certain place. I sure hope so!

When I first saw this photo, it reminded me of the moment when Bethie is out gathering moss for Belle’s diapers and sees Nicholas bathing in the river. I just stare at this photo and think of that. And all is right with the world... even on a Monday!
Happy Monday, everyone!
Come back on Wednesday for a roll call on the I-Team Reading Challenge and to chat about Unlawful Contact. (Paging Team Marc...)
And if you have any wet and wild man photos, it is my birthday... sort of. I thought I had one of Jed Hill wet and in water, but I couldn’t find it. Heartbreaking!