I spent my weekend doing what I always do — working on my latest book and dreaming of man chest. I even went out on a foray for sexy chesticles to share with you and found some worthy of inclusion in MTM.
The fellow above has a lot going for him — a sexy chest, luscious, lickable abs and amazing arms. Can you just imagine what those biceps fee like? All that hard muscle and soft man-skin.
Are we getting warmer yet?

Are we hot yet?

What I like about this gentleman is the balance in his body. Not too ripped, not too thin. He’s got fantastic pecs (of course, even my boobs look big if I hold my arms like that), nice chest hair, sweet obliques — but I don’t get the impression that he spends every waking hour in the gym. He looks like a man we might have seen on the street — and then pulled into a nice, private alley.

I have a friend who likes to say, “It’s nipply outside” whenever it’s really cold. And that’s part of what made this gentleman stand out. He’s nipply. Man-nipples don’t get a lot of attention, but I like them. I once read a post on a message board in which a woman went to great lengths to describe what she thought were the perfect man-nipples. I’m not sure what she would think of these, but I’m pretty happy with them.
I hope you’re all warmed up and ready to face the day.
Happy Monday, everyone!
Stay tuned for some I-Team Reading Challenge fun!