It’s that time of year again — the time of year when All About Romance hosts it’s annual readers poll, asking readers to sound off on the prior year’s best books.
Participating is easy. Just follow click here to view the ballot, and have fun voting for your favorites. If one of them just happens to be Naked Edge, I would be most grateful. I don’t think they have a “Most Surprise-iest Ending” or “Best Use of Limbs” category, but I know of at least one person who voted for it as the best tear-jerker of 2010.
The poll usually has a couple of phases — one in which books are nominated and then the second round when those with the most votes are put up as finalists for readers to choose from. So stay tuned, and I’ll do my best to keep you up to date.
Thank you!
This weekend I’m up to my eyeballs in Zach. I have until Monday to get the typeset pages proofread and back to New York. Oh, I wish this book were coming out tomorrow! But it isn’t and it won’t — until I get the work done.
I’ll see you all again when I’m done. In the meantime, head over to All About Romance.
And have a great weekend!