Sorry about the lag, but between holidays, heading back to work and trying to savor every possible moment with my sister and my younger son, I just didn’t have time to spend online.
My sister flew back to Stockholm on Saturday — a very blue day for me. I adore her and hate being so far away from her. Maybe one day I’ll move in with her, but that’s not possible now. Anyway, she did so many wonderful things to help me while she was here. While I was at work one day, she cleaned my house. She came over last Friday with my mother to help rearrange my kitchen so that it would be less cluttered and easier to use. She was going to write the first two chapters of Connor’s book for me, but she didn’t get around to that. Darn it!
Benjy leaves on Tuesday, and I am dreading it. Having him here is like having sunshine after months of rain. I hate it when he’s gone.
But back to man titty, yes?
This week, we’re focused on abs. So belly up to the bar, and get your Monday morning six-pack right here.
Above, you’ll find a nice six-pack with some visible obliques. It’s not Jed Hill, but then really who is? Besides Jed, of course.
Did I mention that he sent me an e-mail?
Yes, he did. And my girl-squeal could be heard for many miles.
MTM Newsflash: Jed Hill e-mailed to say thank you for choosing him for MTM’s first Man of the Year. He also agreed to an interview. Once I get a chance to send him some questions, we’ll have a special Jed Hill day.
Back to six-packs...

Happy Monday, everyone!