We at MTM HQ had too much fun this weekend. We are barely able to lift our aching heads to gaze upon our computer screens to perform the important task of supplying women worldwide with male hotties to brighten their Monday mornings.
But we are dedicated. So, although we may have had too much Bailey's, Tres Leches, beer, and mixed vodka drinks, here we are, supplying you with man chest.
This week's theme emerges from the drunken giggling of four very good friends. It was supposed to be "A Touch of Pubes." But somehow that just doesn't sound sexy. So we came up with another name for it "The Fuzz Above the Fun." You figure it out.
The gentleman above exhibits veins — I know who likes those — in addition to luscious musculature and just a touch of pubic hair.
It's nice to be teased that way, you know? Makes you wonder what lies below that thatch of dark hair. As if you didn't know.

This guy doesn't seem to know you have to unzip your jeans before you shimmy out of them. Anyone want to help him out? He, too, exhibits attractive abdominals, sexy veinage, and just a teasing hint of pubes.
You know you want to see more, but you don't get to. That's what titillation is all about.

This gentleman is ripped and wet and delicious — he's so tasty, in fact, that I don't give a darn if we can't see his pubes.
So that's Man-Titty Monday for this week. Now, where's the aspirin...