This year, I am thankful for so many things.
I am thankful for all the support I got in getting the shackling bill passed in Colorado. I’m thankful that people’s hearts were moved and that pregnant women in prison and jail will no longer have to suffer added indignity.
I am thankful for Dr. William Bentley and the fact that the cause of the pain in my legs was finally — FINALLY! — diagnosed.
I am thankful that it was something they could treat.
And I am thankful beyond words that the surgery, performed by Dr. Saul Schwartz, was (apparently) successful. I still have a lot of healing to do, but at least I can say that now.
I'm thankful for all my mother and others did to help me during my immediate post-operative recovery period.
I’m thankful to Kat for the lovely meal that I was able to eat even though it was so hard to swallow.
I am thankful for my five-book contract with Penguin Books/Berkley Sensation.
I am thankful that the contract enables me to write Connor's book.
I am thankful to my editor that I have Jed Hill and his very fine body on the cover of Breaking Point. Yes, I know you’re thankful for that, too.
I am thankful to have two jobs and safe, warm home when so many people are losing jobs and homes.
I am thankful that I was given the gifts of language and storytelling.
I am thankful that I got to meet a few of you this year.
I am thankful for the love of my family, my friends and my readers. That includes you!
I am thankful to be living and breathing on this beautiful little planet.
And most of all I am thankful for my two sons, Alec and Benjamin.
What are you thankful for this year?
P.S. Yes, I know I said that would be my last post until the book was done, but I couldn’t miss giving you all a holiday greeting. Besides, I know you much you all love that goofy cartoon turkey!