Welcome to another edition of Man-Titty Monday! This week, we explore male models who showcase themselves in strange attire.
Take the above photo, for example. One of my all-time favorites, it features a man with an absolutely purrfect body dressed in, well, shredded underclothes. He looks like he was washed ashore on a desert island and had to make do with whatever clothing was left after that battle with the sharks. But that’s okay. I’m not complaining — and neither are you.
I love his highway to heaven, that little trail of hair down his belly. And I love the fact that he has chest hair. And, yes, the veins are nice, too.

This man is holding this towel as if it were all he has left in the world. Someone please take it away from him.

Here’s Jed Hill again. And today he’s wearing an inner tube. Yes, that’s right, he’s wearing an inner tube. This look doesn’t work for every man. But it works well for Jed. Other looks that might work for him: a trash can lid, a football, an oilcan, a hubcap, and many more besides.

I saved this photo for last. It’s perhaps the most risque photo I've run on MTM. Sent to me by a reader, it features a man who’s going for that classical gauze look. In this case the gauze appears to have gotten caught on something rather large. Now if only the gauze were wet...
In other news: Well, I had intended to post a video of my flower garden, but it’s on my son’s computer. So no flower garden. If you want to see a glimpse of this year’s high bloom, click here.
Thanks for participating in what became a very interesting discussion about male virgins. There's a lot more I wanted to go into with it, but the work week is just too busy most of the time. I appreciated each and every comment and had hoped that some male readers (yes, I know you exist) would share their points of view.
I plan to have a serious discussion topic each week, and that was it for last week. I might bring it up again soon.
In the meantime, thanks for joining me for another Monday estrogen fest.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!