I had a friend whose family owned a cattle farm in Kansas. When they said "a side of beef," what they meant was "half a butchered steer."
Let's get one thing straight: That's not what I mean.
When I say "side of beef," what I mean is "the side of a distinctly hot human male."
So that's what we're serving up today: a side of beef to go with your Monday. This is not the kind of beef you put on the BBQ grill. It's the kind of beef that most often operates said BBQ grill.
Above, you see a very sexy man with a satisfied smile on his face, no doubt as a result of whatever activity got those sheets all rumpled. Someone, please move the inconveniently placed sheets, please.

This image was sent to me by Debbie H, who was hoping to cheer me up in the face of my impending surgery. Yep, that just about did it.
Absolutely scrumptious! And although I'm not sure what he's doing with that guitar — I know some people really love music, but goodness! — I have heard that guitar players are great with their fingers.

This fellow certainly knows how to fill out his swim trunks. Er, I mean, he looks very physically fit. Nice beach body, no? He looks like he's doing sit-ups while lying on his side or something. I don't really care what he's doing, as long as he's sharing photos of it with us.
This handsome specimen isn't technically lying on his side like the others, but I have a feeling you'll forgive me if I'm a bit inconsistent in including him. He's sort of on his side, isn't he? If you turn your computer screen the right way, maybe then...
Regardless, he's perfect for getting this week underway with our hormones flowing.
I've been working hard on Breaking Point, trying to get as much done as I can while coping with pain in my legs that has become, at times, unbearable. I don't see the surgeon till later this month, and the surgery probably won't be till July sometime. So there's a long wait, and I'm trying to keep going.
We've got a special edition at work this week — fun — and so much to do that I could live at the newspaper if I wanted to.

We had very cool weather this weekend. It was glorious — highs in the 40s, snow in the mountains, lots of rain everywhere else. It was nice to be cold again, instead of sweating.
My younger brother and father went on a little hike to the top of Lily Mountain, and this is a photo of my dad calling my mother from its summit. He always calls her when he reaches the top of a mountain — it's a tradition that goes back decades. But this shot shows the mist that they saw up there.
I hope you all have a great week! I'll pop in when I'm able.