This poor guy is all tired out! Any volunteers to give him a nice full-body massage?
The quote I bastardized for today's headline, should read, "A morning without coffee is like sleep." And these guys who've come to spend today with us sure are sleepy.
I find that quote to be overly inaccurate, however, because we all know you can’t just sleep at your desk. The tragedy of Monday is needing to sleep, but having to work.
But sex hormones — or as folks from Boulder would say, second chakra energy — is better than caffeine because it wakes you up without he nasty plunge four hours later. Plus, being turned-on is fun. Being jittery — not so much.

And that, my friends, is the science behind Man-Titty Monday. It gets your ovaries working, gets your heart beating and puts a smile on your face.
Speaking of titties...
Some of you have perhaps heard of Boulder’s nudity issue. We have the Naked Bide Ride in the summer and the Naked Pumpkin Run in the fall, where folks put jack-o-lanterns over their heads and run naked down the street. We also have a topless gardener, a woman who tends to her flowers and veggies wearing only a thong.
Despite Boulder's liberal reputation, there are some people in town who freak out about all of this. I'm not one of them, and I find those who do to be puritanical and prude and probably in need of more fiber in their diets.
In Denmark, where I lived for an extended period of time, it is absolutely normal to see full nudity in public parks on sunny days. I'm talking about your neighborhood park. Yes, people of all ages, sunbathing in their underwear or completely nude. No big deal.
Here, it's illegal to be nude in public, even if you're nude for non-pervert reasons. Toplessness is legal in Boulder, but few women dare to go topless. I went topless in Europe all the time and miss being able to do so here. I'd do it in my own yard if I could, but being a public figure means that would garner more attention than I want.
Our poor topless gardener got the attention of a certain national pseudo-journalist, who called her a “pinhead” on a national broadcast. She's just your average person, actually, and I felt that was wrong of him as a person with a public platform to attack her that way. You can like this particular pseudo-journalist if you want, but what he did is, I believe, unethical and not what journalism is about.
So, I called her and asked if she‘d like to have her side of the story told. She and her husband grilled me a bit — they're shy of journalists after all the attention — and then they agreed.
They would allow me to interview her on one condition: I have to do the interview while topless. I agreed.
So that’s what I'll be doing tomorrow morning — sitting topless in her living room with her and her husband conducting an interview.
I will say this about my life: It is never dull.
And, no, this is not the craziest thing I’ve ever done for a story. Not by a long shot.
I'm making progress in Zach and Natalie’s story. Still no work on how the situation will shake out with regard to historicals, but I will keep you updated.
I'll be very busy today with our “Best of...” edition, which is roughly as much fun as a root canal. But I will check back as I am able.
Have a great day, everyone!