Are words really necessary? I doubt any of you will even see the words on this page, not with such a-MA-zing male anatomy on display. Let me give props to Tracy from Goodreads who found this for me and e-mailed it over.
I am in love.
His name, I'm told, is Jed Hill. And I wish my name were Mrs. Jed Hill. I would gladly have 12 kids with this man — or at least try.
I've got a weakness for men with strong obliques, perhaps because my first lover was an Olympic-caliber gymnast (he was on his country’s national team but missed the ’84 Olympics due to a shattered ankle). He had a physique not terribly different from this. If I'd known then what I know now, that poor man wouldn't have gotten a night's sleep for the 18 months we were together.
Anyway, how can you follow up on that picture at the top? Perhaps with these...

Yes, he’s too sexy for his shirt. But he’s also too sexy for those bikini briefs. Someone apparently forgot to remove them.
I’ve never been much of a football fan, but if football players looked like this...

... I most certainly would be! In fact, I’d probably strap on some shoulder pads, put on some cleats and try out for the team. I’d be the one trying to get tackled. Me, me, grab me! Tackle me! Pile on me!
Now take a good look at him, hold him in your mind’s eye, because this is what I have in mind while writing Zach MacBride, the hero of my next I-Team novel, Natalie’s hero. Zach isn’t a football player, though. He’s a former Navy SEAL, decorated for service in Afghanistan, now working as a deputy U.S. marshal on the border between El Paso and Juárez.
But right now he’s chained to a wall and close to dying...
Trust me, okay?
Have a good Monday, everyone. I hope this made it a bit more fun.