One moment Amazon had listed that Untamed would be out on October 28. The next is says it will be out in December. December! Well, I called my editor, naturally curious to find out when the novel that I spent nine months of my life writing, with much sweat and toil, would be available to you all.
And December is right.
So you'll be seeing balls like those above before you see Morgan's... His story, I mean, of course. So now I guess we'll have to content ourselves with more excerpts, right?
And though we don't have the java script worked out to enable you to pin the canoli on the I-Team hunk, thanks to Jenn J we at least have a suitable graphic! Thanks, Jenn! I laughed my butt off (yes, I am buttless now) when I saw this. :-)

You can click and drag all you want, but it doesn't move. That's okay. Click and drag anyway. Taste the cannoli if you must. Based on my own descriptions of the I-Team guys, this must be Reece — no tats or scars, no long hair.
Riding a wave of inspiration, I'm working on a couple of story proposals for novels the likes of which I've never written before. No, I won't even hint at what they're about. I did turn in the proposal for my next historical, but I might end up writing something completely different...
Have a great weekend, everyone!