So one afternoon I'm sitting in my special writing chair, looking like a complete slob, answering email and piddling around with the epilogue of Untamed when I see my mail carrier, a sweet woman named Devona, walk up to my door with a bag in her hand and my mail.
Devona has delivered my mail since I moved to this address ten years ago. We've had a few chats out front by the mailbox. She knew when I sold my first book because I put "Pamela Clare" on my mailbox. She and I both quilt, and so we've talked about that, too. We complained about the weather — especially the epic six feet of snow that turned our street into an obstacle course in 2006 — and waved hello to one another many times. Needless to say, I'm always happy to see her.
But this was a little different. I opened the door, and as she was handing me my mail, she said, "I don't know why it took me so long to read your books!" And in the bag were my I-Team books. Speaking very quickly, Devona told me how much she had enjoyed them and asked me if I would autograph them. I was thrilled to do that, of course, and then I asked her which books I might have that she does not yet have. She left with a few historicals in that bag, as well.
As she left she told me I'm going to be a mega-bestseller one day. (I can only hope God was listening.)
She also mentioned that she has visited my website and this blog. So I'm hoping she might see this and pop in and say hello. Devona, if you do see this, please know you're welcome. And I'd love to know what you thought of the historicals, if you've had time to read them.
And thanks! Having a surprise book signing in my own living room was a lot of fun.