That's the good news. After having precisely ZERO books out in 2007 — count 'em, zero — I will have two books out in 2008. The bad news — and it's not really bad news — is that it's November 4, 2008. The long lull is due to the excruciating amount of time I put into Unlawful Contact. Hopefully, the books will be worth the wait, and you will all still remember who I am. Pamela who?
Yes, I write at roughly the same speed that sap flows in January. A large part of that is due to being a single mom. Unlike a lot of authors, I don't have a spouse working to pay the bills while I climb the lists. And I don't have another person in the house to take care of things like proofing college applications and soothing teenagers with broken hearts.
I am just starting Chapter 7. Other things have taken center stage the past few weeks, as you all know, and I'm hoping to make real progress this weekend.
Thanks so much for your wonderful, healing words for Ben. He is doing better than he was a week ago, for certain. I've gotten great support from his teachers at school, who know him well enough to realize his world had just been toppled and took the time to call me.
Aimee and Bo, I haven't gotten your cover flats mailed off yet. Sorry! I will do it soon!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!