Terje Langeland, where the heck are you when I need you! In Japan, of course. If you see this, please email me so that we can catch up! And also, be aware that you can buy my books on Amazon.jp. No more excuses, Ter-hay!
著 — I belive this is is the Japanese character for "author." I'm not sure because my idiot friend Terje lives in Japan and isn't available at this moment to translate. He's Norwegian and 6-feet-7. Which means that everyone in Japan, from his wife to his boss to the toughest street thug, all look up to him. He's a true FOP, and I adore him, though I'm a bit pissed that he no longer works with me. He was a member of the Dream Team, the group of journalists I worked with that is the basis for the I-Team in my contemps. He was one of the amazing group that won the National Journalism Award with me.
Where is this leading? Well, I went hunting for foreign-language covers, and I found a few. Ben scanned in a few, as well.
So now we're going to play a game called "Guess that Novel." Anyone who gets them all right, gets an autographed cover flat (the English-language versions). Silly prize, I know, but, hey, this isn't freakin' Jeopardy. I hope those of you who lurk will join in, particularly those of you I know come to peek from Danmark, Deutschland and Sverige.

This one ought to be easy. Strange, though, because I don't remember writing a scene in which the heroine breastfeeds the hero...

This cover makes me laugh. I have a single copy of this translation. If you know German, it will be a cinch. If not, you might be guessing for a while. And, no, I never wrote a novel in which the heroine raids the closet of a Texas drag queen, either.

Here's a tough one. No art and a minimalist title. No clues from me.

Another tough one. How much of a cunning linguist are you? Hint: the cover art has nothing to do with the story. *EG*
And saving the, er, best for last...

Nice to see John DeSalvo's chest again, but that chick's hair scares me!
Good luck! And may my best fan win!
著 — I belive this is is the Japanese character for "author." I'm not sure because my idiot friend Terje lives in Japan and isn't available at this moment to translate. He's Norwegian and 6-feet-7. Which means that everyone in Japan, from his wife to his boss to the toughest street thug, all look up to him. He's a true FOP, and I adore him, though I'm a bit pissed that he no longer works with me. He was a member of the Dream Team, the group of journalists I worked with that is the basis for the I-Team in my contemps. He was one of the amazing group that won the National Journalism Award with me.
Where is this leading? Well, I went hunting for foreign-language covers, and I found a few. Ben scanned in a few, as well.
So now we're going to play a game called "Guess that Novel." Anyone who gets them all right, gets an autographed cover flat (the English-language versions). Silly prize, I know, but, hey, this isn't freakin' Jeopardy. I hope those of you who lurk will join in, particularly those of you I know come to peek from Danmark, Deutschland and Sverige.

This one ought to be easy. Strange, though, because I don't remember writing a scene in which the heroine breastfeeds the hero...

This cover makes me laugh. I have a single copy of this translation. If you know German, it will be a cinch. If not, you might be guessing for a while. And, no, I never wrote a novel in which the heroine raids the closet of a Texas drag queen, either.

Here's a tough one. No art and a minimalist title. No clues from me.

Another tough one. How much of a cunning linguist are you? Hint: the cover art has nothing to do with the story. *EG*
And saving the, er, best for last...

Nice to see John DeSalvo's chest again, but that chick's hair scares me!
Good luck! And may my best fan win!