From left to right: Erin from Dorchester, my agent Natasha Kern, Brooke Borneman from Dorchester, me and my mother waiting for our table at our pre-RITAs dinner.
Yes, RWA is officially long past, apart from the blogging and photo swapping. I got some shots from my mother this afternoon that I thought I'd share.
Below, my mother is standing across the street from the bit of unlikely highway geography that, thanks to cold-blooded murder, has become a sort of national landmark — The Grassy Knoll. Rising up behind her is the book depository from which Lee Harvey Oswald fired his shots at President John Kennedy (depending upon whose conspiracy theory you're going by). We visited the museum inside the depository and left thoroughly depressed with just hours before dinner and the RITAs. Something precious about America died that day, and when you stand there, you feel it.

And if you still haven't had enough of Dallas and the RITAs, check out this link, passed on to me by Kristie J:
This features interviews with RITA winners, but my friends and I play supporting roles. Unbeknownst to us, we were the background against which many of these clips were shot. Bonnie Vanak and Jennifer Ashley are featured here, together with Su and Leiha from RBL romantica. (Su gets a big smile, but only a bit of Leiha's head is showing.) Kris Alice Hohls of Germany's Loveletter magazine wanders into the frame and I give her a goodbye hug. Too funny!
Never have I seen better shots of the back of my own head. :-)
I'm sure more photos will trickle in, but my next blog is going to be something completely different based on a crazy idea my son had that made me laugh my head off.