Pardonez moi for not posting more frequently. I'm still avoiding the computer, and I've been pretty busy.
No, these aren't the crown jewels. This is my new hair ornament — Swarovski crystals set in flower shapes with tear-drop danglies on the bottom.
This was the result of my mall crawl yesterday, a little trip that cost me dearly. The goal is to buy clothing and accessories that are appropriate for attending the big Romance Writers of America conference in Dallas in nine days, taking into account the fact that I'm a RITA finalist.
I've gotten two sexy cocktail dresses, one that has a transparent chocolate brown overlay on top of deep, peacock blue silk. The skirt is pleated. I didn't think it would look good on me, but Benjy, who is the perfect shopping companion, insisted that I try it. It was the first thing that looked good on me. The second is a really fancy cocktail dress with a black layered taffeta skirt and a white beaded silk bodice. I love it and might wear it to the RITAs instead of a long dress.
I bought a pair of black patent leather pumps and wish I could find the same shoes in brown. No luck thus far. No matching handbags either.
I also bought a strand of pearls (as fake as some women's orgasms) to go with my pearl and white gold earrings (genuine like my orgasms) and a lovely Liz Clairborne brooch (don't ask, don't tell).
I took back a suit I'd bought and bought a better one that happened to be on sale and was cheaper.
Then I wandered into the Swarovski store.
I'll never go there again!!!
I would post photos of the dresses, but my cell phone just can't capture them. I'm hoping someone (Su? Leiha? DebbieH?) will have a camera in Dallas, because I don't own one.
OK, off to edit boards for tomorrow's paper and do more laundry.