Lookey what I found! Another photo of Marc Hunter. He looks good in white. I want to eat him alive, actually. If that could be arranged...
It's going to be a busy weekend. My son's girlfriend graduates from high school tomorrow morning. I know I'm going to be crying my eyeballs out, so I'm not even going to bother with mascara.
After that, I head home to edit the last chapter of my book and make it perfect, and then write the epilogue. If I get both of those things done, then I can start on my favorite part of novel-writing — the cover-to-cover edit.
I'm really hoping to get through it. I need to get it in to NY, and I need a break (not to mention the rest of the advance). So wish me luck!
Also, I found out for sure today that my mom is coming with me to Dallas. She'll be coming down on Friday and staying through Sunday morning so that she can be with me at the RITA Awards. I'm very excited because it will give her a chance to see what this part of my life is like.

As you can see from the photo, my mom is not your typical granny. So this ought to be fun.
Last night was the award ceremony at my son's high school. He was honored as one of two outstanding students in the junior class in Social Studies. His class has almost 500 kids, so that was a great honor for him.
On Thursday, I had coffee with Tara Janzen and met a couple of her friends, as well. What a bunch of articulate and kind women! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Of course I had to have my fan moment. I asked her to sign Crazy Cool, which is Hawkins' story. He's my fave, though I adore them all. Then I gave her copies of three of my books, which I forgot to sign.
Tara gave me a glorious photo of delicious British actor Michael Praed of Robin of Sherwood fame. YUM! I thought that was tremendously sweet of her.
I hope everyone has a good weekend! Send good writing vibes my way! Let me just leave you with this thought...