My parents on their wedding day, June 9, 1962.
Yesterday was a wonderful day. It marked my parent's 45th wedding anniversary. They met when they were 15 and in high school and have been together since then. How many couples can say that today? Congratulations, Mom and Dad!
Of course, the highlight of those 45 years of wedlock was the arrival of their firstborn child, a daughter. Me!

As you can tell from the yawn, I've always been sleepy.
But yesterday was auspicious for another couple, Marc and Sophie. Yesterday, I finished writing the book.

I'm not sure if I'm statisfied with the ending yet. Usually, I'm a weeping mess, but not this time. And yet it's the ending I wanted for them from the beginning. I got choked up thinking about it before I wrote it, just not when I wrote it. So now I need to edit/polish all 437 pages, a process that usually takes a couple weeks that I'm going to try to squeeze in to one day. Then I ship it to New York.
I don't know about other authors, but I never feel truly done with the book until I hear from my agent and editor that it doesn't suck. THEN I feel like champagne and dancing on tables. There's always a waiting period there during which I tend to feel alternately relieved to be done and stressed that my editor will toss it in the trash.
I apologize for missing so many posts and for not getting back to everyone. I will try to be better!
In the meantime, thanks to everyone who in one way or another supported me through writing this book: My sister Michelle, my SIL Timalyn, Kally Jo, Aimee, LibBAY, KrisTAY, Dede, Debbie H., Sgt. Gary Arai, SupaSWAT Dave, Scott and last, but not least, author Norah Wilson, without whom I likely would not have finished. YOU ALL ROCK!