The FedEx truck just left me with my official notification from RWA that Surrender is a RITA Finalist. Included was my lovely, gorgeous, wonderful RITA Finalist pin — a tiny silver pin version of the gold RITA statuette. I think I'm going to wear this every day of my life from now on. :-)
I hadn't been planning on going to this year's RWA conference. I wanted to save the money. But, now that Surrender is a Finalist, wild horses couldn't keep me away. I'll be attending even if I have to walk the entire way to Dallas.
So who's coming to Dallas?
The conference itself is open only to those who register. However, on the evening of Wednesday, July 11, RWA hosts a big even that's open to the public — the annual literacy signing. Anyone who want to attend is welcome. Most of the authors who participate in the conferece join the signing.

Leiha, Su, author Gennita Low and Lina strike a pose at last year's literacy signing.
Ask any of the RBL Party Crew who came last year and they'll tell you how they were able to buy autographed books and talk with their favorite authors. It's a one-of-a-kind event in the romance world — almost 300 authors together under one roof. The crowd is usually enormous, and the first year I did it, I was overwhelmed and somewhat in shock. Some readers show up with suitcases!

Mich, Linda T, and Su share a moment with the extraordinary Nora Roberts at the literacy signing.
I'll post more information about the literacy signing a the conference draws near.
Debbie, I hope you can drive down and make it.
I'll be arriving at the conference some time on Wednesday and staying through Sunday morning, so those who can't make the Wednesday signing can perhaps set something up Saturday morning.

Author CJ Barry/Samantha Graves will be signing copies of her new romantic suspense book, Sight Unseen this year — when she's not drinking wine with me.
The awards ceremony is Saturday night, and win or not, I want to celebrate.
Almost done with Chapter 22... Six days and still so much writing to do!