So let me tell you what turns me on besides hot, sexy men — documents that are stamped "Confidential: Do Not Distribute" or "Extremely Confidential." I get positively hot over emails that come with legal warnings — "If you are not the intended recipient of this email be aware that this material is restricted and you may be in violation of state and federal law."
And today is a hot and spicy day in my office at the newspaper because an insider has delivered a fat file of such documents for my perusal. Juicy!
(My teenage son hates the word "whistleblower." He's grown up hearing it, and he says it's dumb. He says the word "insider" is much cooler. So I'm using that word.)
I've read through them, marked them highlighter and tabs, and need to make a timeline and start doing interviews. I expect the people I'm interviewing to be extremely pissed off, but that's the way it goes. I don't know that this will reveal any heinous wrongdoing. It's more likely that these documents reveal some unethical actions that point to conflicted interests and a lack of concern for responsibilities and the public. Is that vague enough for you?
So, I'm off to take a quick walk in the Rocky Mountain sunshine and then it's back to work! And posted above is what I'll be looking at. This is a view of the Third Flatiron, which is right in front of my office.
And here's an aerial view. My office is close to the mountains toward the south (left) of the photo. The big red rock slabs are the Flatirons. The big buildings with the red roofs in the foreground are the university I attended.