Editor’s note: Welcome back to MTM. Sorry I didn’t get this up on time. I have been incredibly busy trying to get books ready for you, so I hope you’ll forgive me. This week, photographer, journalist and author Jenn LeBlanc returns to share with us some of the male beauty she finds as she tries to cast models for the role of her heroes for her illustrated romances. Enjoy!
Helllooo ladies, and possibly gentlemen. I am so excited to be back here for another guest Man Titty Monday post. Last time I was here, I brought my own personal collection of Man Titty from my novel. Images I photographed during my day job as a professional photographer.
I am a lucky, lucky girl. That benefits you because I like to share.
My novel The Rake And The Recluse has been very popular. What does this mean for you? It means I’m working on the sequel to the novel. It means, dear readers, that I need to find more chesticles. It means I have been spending an inordinate amount of time looking at beautiful men, for my day job. And I brought some of them with me today.
My twitter followers love the days and nights I spend casting, they follow my model surfing with the hashtag #castingPerry
I have brought some of my favorites for you, right here, right now.
Man Titty Monday meets Casting Perry
Th beautiful man at the top of this blog was one of my first choices for Perry, and I know you know who he is if you are on this website. He is a little bit more bulky than what I want for Perry, and he has been building more muscle lately, so he ahs fallen a bit off the radar, but the fact that I found him laying on a large black horse made me very happy.
Say hello to Jed Hill photographed by Michael Downs.
Quickly while we are on the subject of larg black horses and beautiful men how about Chad White and his Friesian. Friesian’s have a very special role in my novel, the hero breeds them. Why? Look at that horse. What horse you say? Oh sorry, it is behind the naked man. (so sorry - there are no chesticles here.)

So moving on back to casting. This image. THIS IMAGE. Which I loved so hard I even shared with Pamela and the gang on Facebook, killed me. Dead. Why? The saddle is On him. On. Him.

This man’s name is Steve Boyd and I am enamoured with him. I need to sell a WHOLE lot more books to be able to afford him in my studio, but as of this moment, he is my ultimate Perry. But let me show you why:

Sun God

Sassy beach bum

Attitude. He brings it in spades. Some models are kinda…blah. This guy has personality. I know that’s what you’re looking at right now, his personality. Right?
Anywhoo, because Mr. Boyd is so popular for (DUH) reasons, I continue to look for Perry. Starting with the saddle, I decided to see who else tried that bad boy on and OH MY. This was sent to me by Kati over at Romancing Rakes

Yeah. Oh my.
Then there was this guy and his sexy boots. Do you love boots like I do? Because I love boots.

Say hello to Bryce Thompson
Well. That’s an awful lot of chesticle for one post isn’t it? I suppose I should save some for another time.
Catch up with me anywhere. I’m around and love to talk Man Titty.