It’s been a while since I’ve posted. In the time I haven’t been blogging, I’ve... had a family of Danish friends visiting, given a 25-minute speech at SlutWalk Denver, put out two issues of the paper, finished editing Untamed for it’s grand re-issue in January, dealt with a broken dishwasher (the new one won’t be here till Friday), fractured a small bone in my wrist falling off the fit ball that I sit on at work, washed umpteen loads of laundry, replanted spinach and green beans, got the process moving to have my house painted, re-read Defiant so I could get back to it again, and begun the process of getting some books online as eBooks... not necessarily in that order.
In short, life has been crazy-busy. And there's lot’s of news.
The first bit of news isn’t news to those of you who are BFFs with me on Facebook. For a limited time, my son Benjamin is selling new, signed copies of my out-of-print historicals: Sweet Release, Carnal Gift, Ride the Fire, Surrender and Untamed. These are copies I bought from my the original publisher when they quit selling print books. I just couldn’t bear the thought of them being pulped — pulp Iain? I think not! — so I rescued a case of each. Poor little orphans!

I think at this point there are about 22 copies of each book left. Benjy is selling them for the sticker price (that’s $4.99 plus shipping for everything except for Untamed, which is $7.99 plus shipping). Although he originally posted that he would only sell to U.S. addresses, the demand from Australia and Canada has been such that he’s making it work. Every night, he brings down books for me to sign. I personalize them, and then he packages them for me to ship.
This is the only way, apart from used copies or new copies from private sellers, to get print copies of these books at this point. Ride the Fire will be reissued with its epilogue some time in 2012, while Surrender and Untamed will be out in their uncut, original form with hot new covers in December 2011 and January 2012.

But Sweet Release and Carnal Gift are not being reissued in print. This is it for them. I hope to make them available in various eBook formats by the end of summer through self-publishing.
Given how few copies there are and the fact that I am signing them, I wanted to let you all know because I figure it matters more to you than anyone else. For more info or to check them out, just click on the titles you’re interested in above. Some people are ordering all five, while others are just getting signed copies of their favorite.

I’ll keep you up to date about Sweet Release and Carnal Gift and let you know when they’re up as eBooks.
And now, given that I was awake until after 2 AM last night due to the heat (100F!) and up by 5:30 AM, I’m putting my sleepy, grumpy self to bed.
We were supposed to get rain but, as usual... No.
In the meantime, stay cool, and happy reading! And have a happy Hump Day!