So sorry I missed MTM this past week. I had a total DSL meltdown here. First my modem quit functioning. And then they sent me a new modem that was incompatible with the DSL I was receiving. So I had to wait for them to come out and upgrade my connection.
Well, I’m back. And both to make up for a missed MTM and to reward you for supporting Naked Edge in this year’s DABWAHA, I’m offering up some special Friday man-titty in the form of David Gandy, who has truly captured my attention lately.
I wanted to show a photo of his face because most of the shots of him showcase his body. I’m not complaining about that — no way — but he has an absolutely piercing gaze. And nothing is hotter in my book than a man with dark hair and blue eyes.

Above, we get a glimpse of him — and his behind — modeling underwear. What’s amazing about this photo is that is shows not only a titillating glimpse of his glutes, but also the muscles in his arms. Plus, and this is important, he is lying in a bed. It stirs the soul — or at least the imagination.

He smiles. He crooks his finger. “Come here,” he says.
Dude, I am SO there!
And, nice bulge.

The amazing thing about David Gandy is that you don’t get the impression that his life is lived in the gym or that he secretly takes steroids. He looks like a very fit man.

I could see him with a cowboy hat on his head walking in spurs and blue jeans into some little town in Arizona or Colorado or New Mexico, a badge on his chest, a six-shooter slung low on his hip... Have I ever mentioned that I’d love to write westerns provided they ever make a come-back?

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little makeup session of MTM, which is kind of MTF. Happy Friday, everyone! And please stay tuned. I believe the next round of voting in the DABWAHA is on March 19, and it’s going to be tough. I’m going to need ever vote I can get, so bribe your girlfriends, get your coworkers online and help Naked Edge win.
As an extra tidbit, please enjoy the interview with David Gandy below. And, women, let me tell you this... He’s straight! Thanks to Charina for this clip.