I finished the book, spent some time sleeping, fought off a migraine and did the laundry. Then I went trolling for sexy man-chest for you all. And this week’s theme is Burning Down the House — which is what you're going to be tempted to do after taking a look at these hot firefighters.
As some of you know, Boulder County, where I live, got slammed with some serious wildland fires this past summer, one while I was recuperating from surgery and the other right after I went back to work. In one, 170 homes and other structures were destroyed (the Fourmile Canyon Fire). The second (Boulder Canyon Dome Fire) wasn’t as serious. But in both cases the heroes were men (and women) who risked their lives to stop the blazes from burning down our town.
Boulder sits at the base of the foothills right next to and seeping into the mountains. So a big wall of fire coming over the hills has the potential to eliminate the town.
I felt like honoring these heroes today on MTM. Note that, although many firefighters are women, because this is Man-Titty Monday, we’re not including topless women firefighters. Oh, I can only imagine how many blog hits I’ll get when Google gets a hold of that phrase as a search term.
Ahem. Anyway...
I love the photo at top because those guys look like they’ve been working hard. Sweaty, cover in soot, they need a shower, and I’m willing to help out.
“Rub-a-dub-dub, three fire fighters and Pamela in a tub.”
God, I hope that’s what I dream about tonight. And, yes, drop the soap! Please drop the soap!

And of course firefighters save lives. Sorry, but I cannot — let me repeat cannot — resist the sight of hot male chest and sweet itsy-bitsy baby. It starts a total four-alarm fire in my ovaries. I guess it's the cave woman need to see the big strong man protect your progeny. That’s not my baby in the photo of course, though if this guy would like to help me with that, maybe nine months from now he could be holding my baby.
Thanks for sharing another MTM with us. We hope you enjoyed this. And for those of you considering arson as a means of being rescued by one of these hunks, learn from me...
100 percent true story:
One night my house did catch fire. It was very scary. But in the midst of my terror, some part of my mind thought, “Ooooh! Firefighters!” It was night. I was in some sexy jammies. My hair was nicely tousled. And my house was burning.
The truck pulled up in front of my home, lights flashing. And guess what? I ended up with a female firefighter.
For those of you who didn't get to read it, there's an excerpt of my upcoming release Breaking Point on the post prior to this one.