Last week, we at MTM Corporate Headquarters got a request for sexy backs. It’s an interesting request for an operation that focuses primarily on fronts. MTM stands for Man-Titty Monday, after all. And, as we all know, titties are not found on the back.
But the mission of MTM is to please women and to bring gratification to what is otherwise the most annoying day of the week. Therefore, the staff at MTM — me — got to work hunting down sexy backs and shoulders.
(Note: As an aside, just let me mention that there’s something wrong with today’s search engine. I googled “sexy male backs” and got hot nude chicks doing chicks. I entered “male backsides” and got hot naked chicks doing chicks. And you don’t even want to know what I got when I entered “sexy men from behind.”)
The top photo picks up where with left off last week with photographs of couples. It looks like those two are about to have all kinds of fun. One can’t help but be jealous. And though I really do love man chest, I have to say that searching for man backs gave me a new appreciation for the sexiness of the male back view.
This guy is taking a break from hard work of some kind. Perhaps he’s about to pull up his britches. I’m glad he hasn’t done it yet, because in addition to his back and the sexiness of his triceps, we get a good look at the top of his glutimi maximi. His buzzed hair gives him a nice urban look and kind of reminds me of Zsadist from the BDB series.

Thanks for joining us for another edition of MTM. We hope that those of you out there who love men’s backs are feeling happy. And I hope that the rest of us gained a new appreciation for yet another delectable part of the male body.
Happy Monday, everyone! May hormones get you through your workday.