I’m so happy that you’re as excited about Jed Hill being on the cover of Breaking Point as I am. As I sat basking in the shadow of his biceps, I remembered that in this case, I also have a physical model for my heroine, Natalie Benoit. And here she is.
Natalie had her I-Team debut in Unlawful Contact, taking Tessa’s place on the cops and courts beat. She keeps to herself, and we don’t know much more about her other than that she’s from New Orleans and that she lost everything in Hurricane Katrina. In Naked Edge, Kat senses something tragic inside Natalie, but we never get a glimpse of what that is. But in Breaking Point, Natalie’s story, we do.
I’ve posted a couple of excerpts on this blog here, and here and read the back cover blurb here, so you all know how the story starts.

So tell me — do Zach and Natalie make a nice couple? I think they certainly would make beautiful babies. And if they do, you just might have a front row seat. D’oh! Did I just say that?!?
I’m not sure how often I will be updating my blog over the next few weeks. I think I need to take it a bit easier than I’ve been doing. I seem to have a good day and then a bad day. I think the bad days come from doing too much on the good days. So...
In the meantime, however, you’ve got Zach and Natalie.
By the way, Natalie Benoit has a Facebook page, for those of you on FB. (If we’re not friends, hunt me down!) She’s been talking about taking a trip to Mexico...