Not long ago, I had what was actually a good idea. It happens now and then, particularly after a strong cup of coffee.
I was thinking about the one and only novella I’ve ever written and how nobody in the world seemed to know that it existed. Heaven Can’t Wait originally appeared as part of chick-lit-ish anthology titled Catch of the Day. I was the pee-wee author of the group, new to the contemporary romance scene, with only three historicals and Extreme Exposure to my name. The anthology came out, and that was pretty much all I ever heard about it.
Some of you have read it, I know, but a lot of you probably don’t realize there’s a story set between Extreme Exposure and Hard Evidence that features I-Team characters. Now you have a chance to read that story for much less than the cost of buying the anthology because it’s available in e-book format.
I called my editor a few months back and suggested that it be carved out and set loose for fans of the I-Team series. And now it is. Hurray! So those of you who haven’t read it don’t have to wait for another dose of the I-Team.
Here's the info:
Heaven Can't Wait
Price: $2.99
ePub ISBN: 9781101217917
Adobe ISBN:9781101217900
I had to hunt for it, but I found it only at Barnes and Noble at this point. If you find it elsewhere, please share the link. I imagine it will be available through Amazon at some point, as well.
I posted an excerpt from the story not long ago here on this blog. (Click here to read it.) Heaven Can’t Wait is perhaps the hottest story I’ve written in that it deals with a couple — Lissy and Will — who have a bet about who can last till after their wedding without asking for sex. Each wants the other to lose so that they win the bet — and have sex, too. There’s no serious investigation in this story. Lissy is the paper’s fashion editor, and Will is a former college football star turned sports reporter. So it’s the lightest story I’ve written.
Those of you who enjoyed Gabe’s alternative to playing checkers will find Lissy and Will's game of Sex Scrabble entertaining.
I just wanted to make you aware of it because otherwise you probably wouldn’t hear about it. I don’t think you need an e-book (a Kindle or Nook or whatever) to read it. I think it can be read on your computer. So that ought to mean that everyone has access to it.
Chat transcript is up!
The transcript from last Saturday’s spoiler chat is posted on my Goodreads page. If you’re not signed up with Goodreads it might be worth exploring. I edited the transcript lightly to fix spelling errors and remove exits and entrances. It was more then 77 pages of text when pasted into a Word document. No one would want to read through that! But be warned: It was a spoiler chat. The purpose of the chat was to give those who rushed out, got the book and read it a place to talk about it without having to watch themselves when it came to spoilers. Click here to check it out, though you probably have to be a Goodreads member to access it. There are two parts because it was very loooooong....
Coming soon!
I went through the transcript of the chat and found some questions I missed. I’ll post answers to those here.
Also, there was a request for a frybread recipe. I’m working on that and will have that for you, too.
Plus, I have something very special to share with those of you who want to learn more about the Navajo and want a chance to see life on the reservation.
Then, of course, there are interviews with I-Team heroes that I keep threatening to unleash on you, more contests, trivia games, updates on my shackling bill (yes, it’s really happening!) and more. So stay tuned!
In the meantime, everyone have a wonderful weekend!