Today I got home from work to find a big box and a padded envelope waiting on my front steps. I got very excited because I thought my author copies were in the box and the bookmarks that my publisher had made up for me were in the padded envelope.
Other way around!
I have a single lovely copy of Naked Edge that I shall be cuddling tonight and about a zillion sexy Naked Edge bookmarks. That’s just an estimate, of course. There could be more than a zillion.
Which means I’m giving bookmarks away!
Anybody want one? Yes?
Well, then all you need to do is complete one of the following I-Team hero quotes:
Reece: “You need a man, Kara. A man you can open up to. A man whose passion for life matches yours. A man who grabs your hair in big fistfuls and twists and pulls it when he’s fucking you. A man willing to .....”
Julian: “If you try to tell me next time I see you that you haven’t been thinking about fucking me, I’m going to....”
Marc: “It’s not so much where I want you, Sophie, as it is how. Nothing tastes quite like a woman, and no woman...”
Extra points for anyone who can complete this quote:
Will: “I agreed not to have sex until after the wedding. But I didn’t agree not to touch you, Lissy. I intend to touch you every day. Get ...”
Double extra points for this one:
Gabe: “If I can’t be man enough to keep my hands off you like I should, then at least let me be man enough to ...”
E-mail your answer to me at my e-mail address, together with your address. If you’re suspicious that “Pamela Clare” is just a cover for an international crime syndicate and don‘t want to give me your address, then just mail me a self-addressed stamped envelope to: PO Box 1582, Longmont, CO 80501.
Have fun!