R.I.P. sweet Wubbit
Just a quick update to say that I'm finished writing Naked Edge and am now editing and revising the manuscript, with a goal of getting it to New York ASAP. The publication date is still March 2010. I'm hoping that sticks. Sometimes they bump up my titles once they get them, but I doubt that will happen this time.
In other news, my son Benjamin who lives with me came down with H1N1 which he caught from someone at work. So he's been home, sick, since Wednesday. He's now fever-free, however, and on the mend. I'm taking an anti-viral medication to prevent me from catching it, as I'm asthmatic and wouldn't bounce back the way he has.
On a deeply sad and personal note, Wubbit, our bunny friend of 12 years died during the night. Two days ago she quit eating and drinking, and curled up in her cage. She had no sign of obvious sickness, no injury, and I knew she was dying. I chose not to take her to the vet because I didn't think they'd be able to do anything, and I didn't want to scare her. She lived much longer than the average bunny lifespan (6 to 9 years), and overall was a very healthy critter. It's going to be really hard for Benjy (who is still asleep and doesn't know she's gone) because she's been our pet since he was 7 years old.
I'm very busy right now with a ghost-writing assignment so that's slowing me down on revisions for Naked Edge. It's interesting. I've never done this before, so it's completely new to me.
I hope everyone is well.