Sorry I'm so late in getting here today. It's been a busy day at the newspaper, what with a press deadline and my decision to file a FOIA request with the EPA...
Anyway, without further blathering, I want to announce the winners of my contest for signed copies of Extreme Exposure. I had originally planned only to give away the mis-autographed copy, but given the fact that so many new-to-me readers entered, I increased that number to two and now to THREE copies of the book.
So the winners are:
Linda A.
Please email me with your mailing addresses as soon as possible so that I can get these books in the mail to you.
Those of you who've been visiting my blog from Happily Forever After know that Barbara announced the winners in that contest also. Click HERE to read that post.
I hope everyone enjoys their prizes, and I'd like to thank Barbara for holding the contest and all of you who took the time to "pimp" it on your blogs or who took time to enter. I had a blast chatting with you.
Remember if you want an Untamed book mark, just send an S.A.S.E to my snail address: PO Box 1582, Longmont, CO 80502.
And stay tuned for more contests and fun.
Next up: An excerpt from Naked Edge.
And be sure to enter my latest poll!