Sorry I've been away so long. There's been lots to do at the paper — something that will hold true until August 23, when our big student edition of the paper is on the streets.
In the middle of that, one of my friends and coworkers endured a hellish wait to learn that four members of her family — her sister, her niece and her niece's two young daughters — had been on the bridge in Minneapolis when it collapsed. They were all taken to separate hospitals, and the youngest, who was the only one conscious and coherent, was too upset to remember her name. The two little ones have been discharged with cuts and bruises and one broken leg. Her sister had to have brain surgery to stop internal bleeding. But her niece is still fighting for her life in intensive care on a respirator.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers thus far, and keep praying!
In the world of fiction, Morgan and Amalie are slowly getting their story. I'm also working on an erotica novel the contents of which are Top Secret! I haven't picked a pen name yet, and when I do I probably won't announce it. It's not that I'm ashamed of writing erotica; it's that the Powers insist I use a different name.
But the news is that Unlawful Contact will be out on April 1! My editor bumped up the publication date, so there's less of a wait. I'm very happy about that! (Yes, there was a reason Marc Hunter's photo is at the top of my blog today, and not just because I love to stare at it.)
In other other news:
I got a HUGE box of chocolate nummies from Joanie in Hong Kong. THANKS! I'm savoring every sinful bite.
I also got an email from Gaby, who is now in Ireland. Gaby, if you read this, please forgive me for not emailing back! I've been swamped. I'm so glad you're getting settled, and I'm delighted my two contemps helped you through the transition!
I also heard from Debbie H, to whom I've been sending "Get Well" vibes.
And I got together with Libby the Warrior Princess and had drinks one night after a particularly hideous day at work. She was my designated enabler, driving the car so that I could seriously drink. Who says Tuesday isn't a great day for FACs? Thank you, Libs!

I also got together with Sean. (Remember him?) It was his birthday, so he bought me lunch. I didn't quite get that either. I should have been doing the buying, but he did it instead. I think when my Special Visitors come on Aug. 24, Sean will hang with us a bit. I know KrisTAY, SueZAY, and LibBAY will be so bummed! What red-blooded woman wants to hang with Sean? He's grown his hair out a bit and looks every bit the Leo he is.
But if Sean doesn't interest my friends, there's always Colorado's scenery. Here's a photo my brother took last weekend while climbing a 13,000-foot peak. I love the wide-open spaces of this state and I love this photo, with the little wildflowers in the foreground. David is getting good with the camera.

Have a good weekend, everyone! And please keep the folks in Minneapolis in your hearts.