The news here is that it didn't snow. Despite predictions that we'd see almost a foot of snow Thursday night into Friday morning, only a few random flakes fell. Chance of precipitation, they told us, was 100 percent. Actual precipitation? Nada.
The local competing newspaper even ran a story — on their front page — about how Boulder residents were set to awake to to ten inches of snow at least and how flights were being cancelled due to the snow storm, & etc. D'oh! (And why do newspapers report on the weather, anyway? Can't we see what's going on for ourselves?)
This is actually very good news because for the first time in the history of my garden, I have a tulip bonanza. Now, it's nothing like what you'll see on Nes's blog. But I have perhaps fifty pink tulips all popping up at the same time, all BIG and tall and graceful, and all very lovely. I wasn't anticipating this and would have hated to see them all squished under a foot of snow.
Normally, my tulips are stubby — short leaves and flowers that bloom almost next to the ground, hidden among the leaves. Colorado is a very dry state, and there's rarely enough moisture over the winter to keep tulip bulbs happy. But thanks to the five feel of snow that fell between December and the end of February, we had moisture aplenty.
I'm told the storm blew south very suddenly, and Kat and Ray are reporting that they got snow. Which is wonderful because they've had a drought going on down there for what seems like ages.
So today the sun is shining, and the mountains are vivid white, covered with a few feet of fresh powder. And that's how Colorado should look.
As for me, well, I'm trying to write fiction and not feeling great. We're coming up to the two busiest weeks of the year at the paper, as well. So through the end of April is going to be an absolute zoo. But at least I have my sweet little lipsticks back...
So despite feeling kind of cruddy — my stomach isn't appreciating all the tea I drank this week and feels like I ate a bag of razor blades — I'm starting the climax of my novel.
I'll try to have an excerpt for you tomorrow. How's that?
I'm glad you all enjoyed the Lipstick Diaries. Now if I can stay sober and Evil Libby can stay out of my purse... (wink)
Seriouly, that Libby is a darling and tons of fun, and I'm so glad she's almost my neighbor.